Elins julekalender 2012: luke 3

Utdrag fra «The adventure of the blue carbuncle» i samlingen The adventures of Sherlock Holmes av Arthur Conan Doyle:

I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season. He was lounging upon the sofa in a purple dressing-gown, a pipe-rack within his reach upon the right, and a pile of crumpled morning papers, evidently newly studied, near at hand. Beside the couch was a wooden chair, and on the angle of the back hung a very seedy and disreputable hard-felt hat, much the worse for wear, and cracked in several places. A lens and a forceps lying upon the seat of the chair suggested that the hat had been suspended in this manner for the purpose of examination.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 2

Christmas Eve starts well. They wake up to a frosty morning and there is snow on the Mountains of the Moon.
‘Snow!’ breathes Charlie in ecstacy, leaning out of the window in Emily’s bedroom.
‘It’s not snow, it’s frost,’ says Paris crushingly from the doorway.
‘It’s as good as snow, isn’t it, Carlie Bear?’ says Emily, hugging him. His neck feels smooth and cold.

Fra boka Villa Serena skrevet av Domenica de Rosa.

Elins julekalender 2011: luke 23


Hver dag har lyset minket
og jorden ligger pasienthvit
i desembers sykesal
Det store hjertet banker langsommere
og forsoner seg med døden

Da blusser en stjerne
og en kvinne skriker i smerte
Frelst er jorden

Ved daggry er krisen overstått
og lyset stiger sterkere
Men bare nølende griper pasienten livet

Fra Øyer i havet : dikt av Tore Coward.

Elins julekalender 2011: luke 21

The children were charming. They absolutely refused to resemble their elders, notwithstanding the efforts of mothers and governesses. In a jiffy they had denuded the Christmas tree down to the very last sweet and had already succeeded in breaking half of their playthings before they even found out which belonged to whom.

One of them was a particularly handsome little lad, dark-eyed, curly-haired, who stubbornly persisted in aiming at me with his wooden gun. But the child that attracted the greatest attention was his sister, a girl of about eleven, lovely as a Cupid. She was quiet and thoughtful, with large, full, dreamy eyes. The children had somehow offended her, and she left them and walked into the same room that I had withdrawn into. There she seated herself with her doll in a corner.

Fra novellen «The Christmas Tree and the Wedding» skrevet av Fjodor M. Dostojevskij.

Elins julekalender 2011: luke 20

Det snødde ikke lenger. Husene han passerte var pyntet med ulike varianter av julelys. Det var staker og stjerner i vinduene, lysslynger i busker og trær. Det var fint å se på. Pelle merket små gnist av gode følelser som han kjente igjen fra han var liten. Den gangen gledet han seg bestandig til jul, for han trodde det var noe å glede seg til.

Fra Jul eller aldri! av Anneli Klepp.


Elins julekalender 2011: luke 19

Samme kan det være! De andre har sikkert ikke gaver til han uansett. Og nissen finnes i alle fall ikke! Én eneste nisse rekker ikke å fly til alle i hele verden på én natt. Og tenk på hvor mange pakker nissen måtte hatt i sekken for å få nok til alle!

Fra Nissefella av Endre Lund Eriksen.
