Elins julekalender 2012: luke 14

We bounced through a snowy half-light, out through the sprawling suburbs of Oslo and into the countryside. The scattered villages and farmhouses looked trim and prosperous in the endless dusk. Every house had Christmas lights burning cheerily in the windows. I quickly settled into that not unpleasant state of mindlessness that tends to overcome me on long journeys, my head lolling loosely on my shoulders in the manner of someone who has lost all control of his neck muscles and doesn’t really mind.
My trip had begun. I was about to see Europe again.

Fra boka Neither here nor there av Bill Bryson.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 13

Utdrag fra boka The Help av Kathryn Stockett:

All day, instead of laying up in bed, she works on decorating the ten-foot Christmas tree in the foyer, making my life a vacuuming hell with all the needles flying around. Then she goes in the backyard, starts clipping the rose bushes and digging the tulip bulbs. I’ve never seen her move that much, ever. She comes in for her cooking lesson afterward with dirt under her nails but she’s still not smiling.

“Six more days before we tell Mister Johnny,” I say.

She doesn’t say anything for a while, then her voice comes out flat as a pan. “Are you sure I have to? I was thinking maybe we could wait.”

I stop where I am, with buttermilk dripping off my hands. “Ask me how sure I am again.”

“Alright, alright.” And then she goes outside again to take up her new favorite pastime, staring down that mimosa tree with the axe in her hand. But she never takes a chop.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 12

The next morning Ethan and I awoke and sleepily wished each other «Merry Christmas.»
«What are we going to do today?» I asked him.
«We’re gonna chef it up,» Ethan answered joyously.
We had gone grocery-shopping two days earlier, and his small English refrigerator was packed to the gills with all of our ingredients.
«What else?»
«Cooking Christmas dinner will take most of the day,» he said.
I asked if he wished we had waited to open our gifts. I knew that Christmas wasn’t about presents, but there is always a bit of a letdown when that part of the holidays has passed. Although, for once, I had enjoyed giving more than receiving.

Fra boka Something blue av Emily Giffin.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 11

His heart stopped in his chest. For a moment he dared not breathe. Moonlight shone down on the clearing, the ashes of the firepit, the snow-covered lean-to, the great rock, the little half-frozen stream. Everything was just as it had been a few hours ago.
They were gone. All the bodies were gone.

Fra A Game of Thrones skrevet av George R.R. Martin.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 9

The weather was most favourable for her; though Christmas-day, she could not go to church. Mr. Woodhouse would have been miserable had his daughter attempted it, and she was therefore safe from either exciting or receiving unpleasant and most unsuitable ideas. The ground covered with snow, and the atmosphere in that unsettled state between frost and thaw, which is of all others the most unfriendly for exercise, every morning beginning in rain or snow, and every evening setting in to freeze, she was for many days a most honourable prisoner. No intercourse with Harriet possible but by note; no church for her on Sunday any more than on Christmas-day; and no need to find excuses for Mr. Elton’s absenting himself.

Fra Jane Austens bok Emma.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 7

Utdrag fra boka Potensgivarna av Karin Brunk Holmqvist.

Till julen fick de smaka Rutgers vin. Lantbrevbäraren kom med ett paket och en julhälsning från Rutger och hans familj. Men han måste ha tillsatt något, sa Tilda, för det var ju ljusgult nu och han hade köpt etiketter och satt på. Till och med en likadan kork som de hade sett på systembolaget satt i flaskhalsen. Ja, Rutger han kan han, sa Tilda, men så bor han också i stan.

Elins julekalender 2012: luke 6

Utdrag fra boka Inn i elden av Aina Basso:

Ho ventar til julenatta bråfell og stova stilnar til sløve brennevinssukk og tung svevn gjennom tronge naseborer. Ho skaper seg om utanfor, vel den vande hamen, den svarte fjørdrakta og det skarpe nebbet. Ho opnar gapet og støyter ut eit raspande ramneskrik. Så lettar ho og flyg over berget og vidda, over sjøen med månelyset som ei skjelvande spegling i den blådjupe flata. Ho tek ein sveip over den kvitkledde Domen, før ho flaksar over sundet til Ballvollen, der festen skal haldast.