Og så er endelig dagen her, og vi åpner den aller siste luka i kalenderen. Her finner vi noe som etter min mening er en riktig godbit: Et utdrag fra den aller første boka om Harry Potter.
‘Happy Christmas,’ said Ron sleepily as Harry scrambled out of bed and pulled on his dressing-gown.
‘You too,’ said Harry. ‘Will you look at this? I’ve got some presents!’
‘What did you expect, turnips?’ said Ron, turning to his own pile, which was a lot bigger than Harry’s.
Harry picked up the top parcel. It was wrapped in thick brown paper and scrawled across it was To Harry, from Hagrid. Inside was a roughly cut wooden flute. Hagrid had obviously whittled it himself. Harry blew it – it sounded a bit like an owl.
A second, a very small parcel contained a note.
We received your message and enclose your Christmas present. From Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Sellotaped to the note was a fifty-pence piece.
‘That’s friendly,’ said Harry.
Ron was fascinated by the fifty pence.
‘Weired!‘ he said. ‘What a shape! This is money?’
‘You can keep it,’ said Harry, laughing at how pleased Ron was.
Fra Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone av J. K. Rowling.
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